When you first realize that you have mold in your home, you just think about ways to get rid of it.

Definitely, the first thing that comes to the mind is the use of bleach. It seems both logical because it is easily accessible and after applying it on the moldy surface, no traces of mold can be seen.

Is it really appropriate to use these household bleaches and chemical bleaches to clean mold? What is the best solution to get rid of mold?

In this article, we will explain why bleach should not be used to remove mold.

Do bleaches really kill mold?

Molds are really intolerant and harmful. These microscopic creatures do not only stain the surfaces inside the house, but also destroy building materials such as walls, furniture, etc. So it really makes sense to get rid of them. (mold problems)

A completely wrong idea has become common among people that using bleach helps to eliminate mold! (bleach to kill mold)

This was just a false advertisement by people who wanted to sell bleach, while the purpose of bleach is to change the color.

Bleaches are used on some surfaces such as tiles, sinks, bathtubs, tiles or glass. But they are not easily removed because mold roots are still present deep inside the surfaces.

When mold grows on a surface, it spreads its roots deep into the surface to get more nutrients.

Therefore, when you apply bleach on surfaces, it only changes color and this bleach dries quickly and does not reach the deep parts of the roots.

So after a few days or a few weeks, the molds get their color and grow again, and they get even worse (molds grow).

Health experts recommend that you do not use bleach to get rid of mold because it can endanger your health. (allergic reactions)

Conventional household bleaches are not necessarily toxic, but they can be harmful to humans if exposed to them for a long time.

For example, when chlorine bleach is in the gaseous state, it produces a product called dioxin, which is known to be a carcinogen, which is why inhaling it, is so dangerous.

It causes irritation to the eyes and nose. This substance also has a negative effect on the lungs and causes respiratory disorders.

This is more common to people with asthma, which is why the CDC recommends using personal protective equipment such as masks, goggles, and gloves when using these substances.

Did you know that using bleach causes more mold to grow? (mold growth)

-      Bleach is made up of 90% water. Molds grow with moisture, so the use of bleach causes more mold to grow especially on surfaces that are porous.

-      When bleach is applied to the surface, the material dries and its water reaches the mold, causing it to grow and even cause mold to grow where there is no mold.

-      Bleaching agents damage the structure of surfaces in the long run and cause corrosion of the desired surface.

What is the best way to get rid of mold?

Porozid bio-organic product based on Pico technology (particles smaller than nano) has the ability to fully reach surface pores due to its fine particles. Because, as we said, mold spores are rooted deep in the surface and must be destroyed deeply.

Mold contains 80% water in the cytoplasm and due to its molecular structure, Porozid enters

cytoplasm after entering the pores and completely dries and destroys it.

But you should know that microscopic molds are always in the environment and will continue to grow if the conditions are right.

Therefore, this product should be sprayed on the surfaces every 4 months to prevent the growth of mold.

Bioorganic antifungal benefits of Porozid

Removes the hardest and deepest molds on surfaces without damaging the surfaces.

This antifungal can be used to eliminate mold in the kitchen, bathroom, walls, ceiling, basement, stairs, etc.

It is not a product with heavy chemical formulas, but it is completely bio-organic and does not harm the environment.
